I came across the Open Letter to Shitty Husbands today, and it wasn’t the volume about cheating that caught my attention. It was the volume about trust, and the little things: It wasn’t the big things that brought her to that point. There often aren’t big things in marriage. ItContinue Reading

So many of my ideas for the farmhouse are in the kitchen. I have a complicated relationship with food, but I’ve always enjoyed the act of cooking and creating good food. My current kitchen is only minimally usable, because of another complicated relationship, which some won’t understand. Our food isContinue Reading

The day before my birthday was the day [the relationship as it was] ended. It’s a whole new thing, now. The endless spiral of questions and worries inside my head has disappeared, like a dust devil that tears itself apart and vanishes. I’m more at peace. He is not. NowContinue Reading

My therapist got me started writing “morning pages” to process and clear my head, and that’s where I’ve been writing nearly every day. It’s helped, I think. The concept is to free-write whatever comes to mind, longhand. It doesn’t have to be a narrative or make sense to anyone. It’sContinue Reading

I don’t know whether my brain fog is caused by my RA or by my RA meds, because they basically started at the same time, and the meds haven’t changed that much since. I do know that it creeps in at the most inconvenient times, and routine is the onlyContinue Reading

Last week, I returned from vacation (more about that later, I hope) on Monday. On Tuesday around noon, I received a phone call from my AM job’s supervisor: (paraphrasing) “We lost a clerk. We’re going to need you to work in the main office some, split shifts, opening at 6,Continue Reading

I’ve been reading Adam Savage’s “Every Tool’s a Hammer,” and mid-book, came across a section about creative momentum. I’m familiar with the concept, and have dealt with it on physical projects – or failed to, like the half a scarf I made once, that’s still sitting in a box waitingContinue Reading