This is the first time I’ve attended a protest by phone. You’re outside the campus of City College of New York. I’m outside under the same stars as you, but I know you can’t see them for the city lights. I ask you if you ever thought our lives wouldContinue Reading

Being a twin to Wilburta was a special blessing! As a twin, we always had someone on our side! We were always very supportive of one another. Wilburta was the quiet shy sister, she also was very strong willed sometimes. Some examples: In December, the Hardesty merchants gave out tickets,Continue Reading

One winter’s night, there was a rent in the clouds directly above, and looking straight up into nothingness, I could feel the cold of the universe pouring down upon me.   That’s not how thermodynamics works. Logical Me knows that, but you won’t convince Emotional Me that I couldn’t feelContinue Reading

On the first, Cody and I walked around the place, talking about future plans, much like we did last January. While the house renovation has slowed down some this last year, we did accomplish a lot. My favorite part of these conversations are when he asks,  for example, “What wouldContinue Reading

Okay, it is, but not really. I only wrote here once in 2022, but with my distaste for social media growing, and Twitter imploding, I want to start using this space more. It’s my day off for New Year’s, and I’m trying to be productive without overdoing. My legs hurtContinue Reading

I feel like everything is going so well, but somehow, I’m only hanging onto my life by my fingernails. I’m not suicidal or anything like that, I’m just drowning. My partner and I are engaged, and every day since he asked, I’ve been positively joyous about it. It isn’t fadingContinue Reading

Every time I start one of these posts, I feel I have to explain why I haven’t written in awhile. This time, it’s been a long while, so I’ll indulge the urge, but I really do want to stop doing that. Maybe someday I’ll blog regularly again. Maybe. Not longContinue Reading