This is the first time I’ve attended a protest by phone. You’re outside the campus of City College of New York. I’m outside under the same stars as you, but I know you can’t see them for the city lights. I ask you if you ever thought our lives wouldContinue Reading

One winter’s night, there was a rent in the clouds directly above, and looking straight up into nothingness, I could feel the cold of the universe pouring down upon me.   That’s not how thermodynamics works. Logical Me knows that, but you won’t convince Emotional Me that I couldn’t feelContinue Reading

On the first, Cody and I walked around the place, talking about future plans, much like we did last January. While the house renovation has slowed down some this last year, we did accomplish a lot. My favorite part of these conversations are when he asks,  for example, “What wouldContinue Reading

On May 7, right at 8:00 in the morning, the judge began my divorce proceedings. By 8:09 am, it was finished, and I’d filed the final paperwork, walked down the stairs, and out the door. I get warnings from people who have been divorced: “It’ll hit you eventually.” “It’ll comeContinue Reading

Come now the flood for you have no idea how long I can hold my breath. Around this time last year, I wrote Tyler Knott Gregson’s poem into a letter to a dear friend. I feel that in the months since then, the flood came, and even I didn’t realizeContinue Reading

I don’t know whether my brain fog is caused by my RA or by my RA meds, because they basically started at the same time, and the meds haven’t changed that much since. I do know that it creeps in at the most inconvenient times, and routine is the onlyContinue Reading

I’ve been reading Adam Savage’s “Every Tool’s a Hammer,” and mid-book, came across a section about creative momentum. I’m familiar with the concept, and have dealt with it on physical projects – or failed to, like the half a scarf I made once, that’s still sitting in a box waitingContinue Reading