Last night, I was having another downward spiral and talking through it with my partner. As I worked through the things I felt I needed to say, which included at least three apologies, I realized that the source of this problem was my self esteem. Because of things I saidContinue Reading

On May 7, right at 8:00 in the morning, the judge began my divorce proceedings. By 8:09 am, it was finished, and I’d filed the final paperwork, walked down the stairs, and out the door. I get warnings from people who have been divorced: “It’ll hit you eventually.” “It’ll comeContinue Reading

Yesterday, the county court clerk received the initial divorce papers I mailed out on the 12th. His copy and waiver should have been delivered yesterday, but even though I sent it certified Priority which doesn’t need a signature, the carrier didn’t deliver them. He’ll pick them up from his postContinue Reading

I had a realization yesterday that shook me to my core: I’m actually starting to believe that I’m going to live in the farmhouse. As I told my partner, up until this point, it was a fun thought experiment, but in the back of my mind, I fully expected SomethingContinue Reading

I’ve been having significant issues tackling the clutter and mess in the house since I had it all to myself. It just seems like a monumental job and less than half of it is mine. I find it ironic that I can’t seem to do this when I took careContinue Reading

Gabrielle sent me a stack of writing prompts, and I’m going to try to work through them. When I wake up in the morning, how do I most want to feel? I want to wake up feeling rested, at peace, and with hope for the day ahead. I sleep aContinue Reading

The Calm app prompted this end of year journal. I answered some of these questions in my last post, but there’s a few things I’d like to note. 2020 Reflections What challenges did you face? You mean aside from everything newsworthy that fomented strong opposing opinions in practically everyone? IContinue Reading