Last night, I was having another downward spiral and talking through it with my partner. As I worked through the things I felt I needed to say, which included at least three apologies, I realized that the source of this problem was my self esteem. Because of things I saidContinue Reading

I’ve been having significant issues tackling the clutter and mess in the house since I had it all to myself. It just seems like a monumental job and less than half of it is mine. I find it ironic that I can’t seem to do this when I took careContinue Reading

Gabrielle sent me a stack of writing prompts, and I’m going to try to work through them. When I wake up in the morning, how do I most want to feel? I want to wake up feeling rested, at peace, and with hope for the day ahead. I sleep aContinue Reading

Reflect on the year of 2020 and determine what the lessons learned were, will be, and what impact you want this unique year to have on you in 2021 or in the long term. In no particular order, 2020 has taught me or reinforced my beliefs that: I’m far strongerContinue Reading

My therapist got me started writing “morning pages” to process and clear my head, and that’s where I’ve been writing nearly every day. It’s helped, I think. The concept is to free-write whatever comes to mind, longhand. It doesn’t have to be a narrative or make sense to anyone. It’sContinue Reading

I don’t know whether my brain fog is caused by my RA or by my RA meds, because they basically started at the same time, and the meds haven’t changed that much since. I do know that it creeps in at the most inconvenient times, and routine is the onlyContinue Reading

I’ve been reading Adam Savage’s “Every Tool’s a Hammer,” and mid-book, came across a section about creative momentum. I’m familiar with the concept, and have dealt with it on physical projects – or failed to, like the half a scarf I made once, that’s still sitting in a box waitingContinue Reading

“I’m neither an optimist, nor a pessimist, but a possibilist.” – Max Lerner Writing prompt: Write about all the possibility when chasing your dreams. I’ve said I’m a realist, but that was before I came across the term “possibilist.” I am absolutely a possibilist. The term applies to me inContinue Reading